Category Archives: Uncategorized

MikroTik and L2TP alternative for Android

Android 12 dropped support for L2TP. If you are looking for alternative and OpenVPN is not possible, because it’s setup in TAP mode, which is not supported on Android nor iPhone, you may try SSTP instead. SSTP (Secure Socket Tunneling Protocol) is protocol developed by Microsoft.

There is a open source client Open SSTP available Google Play. However MikroTik’s PAP implementation does not seem to work, so your only option is to use MS-CHAPv2, but it is more secure anyway!

GService causing Windows 11 to sleep when RPD session ends?

I was struggling with this issue for a while. After I updated my PC with Windows 10 to Windows 11. I used to connect to this PC remotely using RDP. Any time I disconnected from RDP the PC went to sleep.

I was not able to find anything relevant on Google.

After some more digging in Event Viewer I found some events related to GCloud a part of GService which is software provided by GIGABYTE.

After I uninstalled GService the problem finally disappeared!