Monthly Archives: January 2014

Block commit to SVN when Redmine issue is not specified

Redmine allows to reference commits to issues by using keyword refs followed by # and number of the issue. If you want to block user commit to SVN without specifying Redmine issue you can use similar pre-commit hook on SVN. The hook is for Windows version.


REM *************************************************************
REM * this sets the arguments supplied by Subversion *
REM *************************************************************

REM *************************************************************
REM * define directory paths *
REM * you *must* add any paths for command line tools you plan *
REM * since SVN does not include the Windows %PATH% environment *
REM * variable for security reasons. *
REM * *
REM * DIR - the current hooks directory *
REM * PATH - a user set path of where executables are located *
REM * *
REM *************************************************************

REM *************************************************************
REM * make sure to add the path to the SendEmail executable *
REM *************************************************************

REM *************************************************************
REM * get comment search for "refs #" *
REM *************************************************************
svnlook log -t "%TXN%" "%REPOS%" | findstr /c:"refs #" > NUL
IF %errorlevel% NEQ 0 GOTO Error

GOTO Success

ECHO. 1>&2
ECHO Your commit has been blocked because you didn't 1>&2
ECHO specify Redmine issue with refs keyword. 1>&2
ECHO Please write a log message (eg. refs #123) and 1>&2
ECHO then try committing again. -- Thank you Roman 1>&2


Hide images from the Plone’s Tabular View

It is easily possible to hide images from the navigation port-let using control panel, but I did not find similar option for the Tabular View when a folder contents is displayed.
So here is the solution I have applied.

  1. Login to Zope Management interface
  2. Go to /…/portal_skins/plone_content and create a custom version of folder_tabular_view
  3. In the customized version of the folder_tabular_view locate “class python:test(oddrow, ‘even’, ‘odd’)” and change it to “class python:test(oddrow, ‘even tr-‘ + item_type_class, ‘odd tr-‘ + item_type_class)
  4. After these changes TR tag of the folder contents table will have an additional CSS class which we can use to hide unwanted content types
  5. Save the changes and edit customized CSS file called ploneCustom.css
  6. Add “.tr-contenttype-image { display: none; }” to hide rows with image content types